Friday, July 18, 2008

Toto we arn't in Kansas anymore

I’m not from Kansas and I’ve never been there. I grew up ridding the subway and the only farm I've ever been to was on a 7th grade field trip. I'm leaving all of that for a job in a small Midwestern town. Why? Chasing the dream of running my very own campaign for a candidate I’ve never met.

I left home yesterday amidst tears not knowing where my next stop would be. I knew what town I was going to be in but I didn’t know what it was like, or where exactly I’d be living.

As it turns out, I’m on the top floor of the candidate’s father in law’s house for the time being. It’s not an awful place I guess…ok who am I kidding? His father in-law is 81, smokes in the house, and watches jeopardy at a level normal reserved for movie theaters because of his hearing. The house itself is quite old and has fading pictures of “kids” who are now in their forties. Then there’s the fact that everything smells like cat, and I’m most certainly a dog person. Hopefully I’ll be in a place of my own soon, but at least I had somewhere to put my stuff for the time being.

Being a campaign manager should be kind of interesting, although my job description is a little hazy. He’s already won a primary so he has some organization already, and I’m attempting to find where I fit in.

Maybe Dorthy and I aren't so different after all?

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