Friday, July 18, 2008

I swear its me!

Call it big city naivete but apparently impersonating someone at Sam’s Club is a federal offense in Small Town USA. We needed candy and dog biscuits for a parade a little south of town, and given that only so many stores sell both items we decided on Sam’s Club. Well to no one’s surprise I am not a member of this prestigious club, so I had to borrow the card of the candidate’s brother.

Unfortunately the cashier most have known him because I was the read the riot act. This despite my pleading that I was in fact a large 40 something man who co-owned a car dealership in town. Thankfully I was let off with a stern warning (how benevolent of her) and told not to come back unless I was with the card holder.

To add insult to injury I was informed I could not use the campaign VISA credit card, which meant I had to use all of the reaming cash I had on hand. I now I have no cash and I don’t think either of my banks have ATM’s anywhere near here.

The whole experience made me feel like I was 20 again. Who can't relate to the old college cliche of trying to procure alcohol with an ID that was clearly not real. I originally thought the whole episode was reason number 10000 that this isn’t what I signed up for. But in retrospect I can’t help but laugh.

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